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What is Reflexology


A Image of the reflexes on the foot that represent organs/areas in the body.

'Reflexology is a gentle and non-invasive therapy that encourages the body to balance and heal itself. ' ( Hull,2017) In this treatment the therapist uses her hands to apply pressure to specific areas on the hands or feet - reflexes - which reflect organs and areas inside the body to relieve pain or congestion in the area.

It is such a relaxing treatment and is so different from the others. This gives your body the opportunity to do what it does best and that is to heal itself. Oh, how beautiful our bodies are made and how exciting it is to learn about it.

Reflexology aims to bring balance to the body which allows the body to heal. This balance is called homeostasis and when the body is out of balance, disease happens.

Is it painful?

Reflexology is not painful, however when pressure is applied to a specific area that has problems it can be sensitive or uncomfortable. 

Is this bad? 

No, this is not bad. This is your body showing that it has enough strength to overcome the trauma and its kind of like a detox. Your body is starting to heal itself and you may experience headaches, fatigue and nausea afterwards or you may feel the complete opposite - revitalized and ready to go.
However, I encourage you to drink a lot of water post-treatment, get a lot of rest and not to do any heavy or strenuous workouts. Listening to your body and helping it along will help the process.


Reflexology treatments make one feel very relaxed and the body begins to heal itself in a relaxed state. Thus, when one rests and gets sleep healing can take place.

 Contraindications to a reflexology treatment

  • Undiagnosed pain
  • Gangrene 
  • Drugs and Alcohol use 
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis 
  • Any Contagious Diseases 
  • Fever 
  • Heart Conditions
  • Any one undergoing a organ transplant 

Reflexology is an art due owning to their not being any scientific proof of the treatment, however effects are very visible. It is a very good treatment for a highly stressed client as stress seems to be the number one motivating factor to disease.

I would highly recommend a treatment. This way you can come to your own conclusion on the therapy and if it works for you. Make sure you have a trustworthy therapist and someone you enjoy as he/ she contributes highly to the success of your treatment. 

Hope you enjoyed! Let me know if you have ever been for a reflexology treatment and let me know about your experience. :)



Hull R. (2017) The Complete Guide To Reflexology. pg 7. Replika Press: India.



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